
OICR builds on the investment made by the Ontario government by leveraging additional funds to support translational cancer research.

Leveraged funding

OICR leverages research funding from various national and international sources

How OICR leverage this funding

FACIT leverages funds from the Canadian and international private sector

How FACIT leverage this funding

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OICR supports 1,886 highly qualified personnel at 21 Ontario institutions.

OICR supports current clinical research

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actively recruiting clinical trials supported by OICR

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patients enrolled in OICR supported clinical trials

OICR makes high-impact scientific advances in the field of oncology

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publications in peer reviewed journals

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of which are in the
top 1% of journals

Journals in the top 1% across all categories when ranked by impact factor per Clarivate Analytics 2017 InCites Journal Citation Reports®

OICR shares skills, expertise and research with the greater scientific community.

8,771 attendees at 117 educational events
supported by OICR to share skills, training and knowledge


OICR's Global collaborations

OICR leads and supports provinical, national and international initiatives

This year alone, OCREB provided research ethics expertise to
96 new multi-centre studies involving patients in Ontario, the most studies ever initiated in one year.

OCTANE has helped match patients with clinical trials based on their unique genetic makeup while developing a genomic database and linking it with clinical data for future cancer research. To date, OCTANE has enrolled 1728 patients across five cancer centres in Ontario.

3CTN engaged more Canadians in academic cancer clinical trials than ever before and helped increase Ontario enrollment by 79% over the past four years.

More than 320,000 Canadians across nine provinces are participating in CPTP, which – under the scientific leadership of OICR – is helping researchers around the world study the effect of genetics, behavior, family health history and environment on chronic diseases.

OICR was home to the Secretariat and Data Coordination Centre of ICGC, which has collected, analyzed and shared the genomes of more than 20,000 primary untreated tumours, on track to publish a total of almost 25,000 tumour genomes by the end of 2018.

The PCAWG project, which was established and led by OICR, discovered new insights about the often unexplored parts of the human genome by collaborating with more than 700 scientists worldwide to study 2,800 whole genomes from ICGC.

Economic impact

OICR partners with FACIT to commercialize research for the benefit of patients globally and the Ontario economy.

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Invention disclosures

Patent applications


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New start-up firm created

Companies created
(since 2004)

FACIT supported investments have successfully leveraged $340M in additional funding

FACIT Graph of funding

Creating high quality jobs
(Jobs in startup firms created by OICR/FACIT activities)

FACIT Graph of employees