OICR builds on the investment made by the Ontario government by leveraging additional funds to support translational cancer research.
OICR supports 1,937 highly qualified personnel
at 23 Ontario institutions.
33 clinical trials
That are active and supported by OICR
2,820 patients enrolled in OICR supported clinical trials
545 publications
in peer reviewed journals
83 publications
published in the top 1% of journals*
8,680 attendees at 126 educational events
supported by OICR to share knowledge and provide training.
* Journals in the top 1% across all categories when ranked by impact factor per Clarivate Analytics 2017 InCites Journal Citation Reports®
This year, OCREB provided research ethics expertise and support to 91 new multi-centre clinical trials in Ontario.
OCTANE has helped match patients with clinical trials based on their unique genetic makeup and developing a clinico-genomic database for future cancer research. To date, OCTANE has enrolled 2,418 patients across five cancer centres in Ontario.
The Canadian Cancer Clinical Trials Network (3CTN) has supported the enrollment of more than 12,000 Canadians in academic cancer clinical trials, and helped increase Ontario enrollment by 80 per cent over the last four years.
The International Cancer Genome Consortium (ICGC) initiative completed its final data release in March, bringing together genomic data from 22,330 donors across 86 projects and 22 cancer types.
This year, the Ontario Tumour Bank shared more than 3,400 high quality samples and de-identified clinical data from nearly 700 donors. This research led to 41 publications this year alone.
The Global Alliance for Genomics and Health is a consortium of more than 500 member organizations from 101 countries. To date, it has produced five technical standards for sharing genomic and health-related data, with 10 more under approval.
330,000 Canadians across nine provinces are participating in the Canadian Partnership for Tomorrow Project (CPTP); that’s almost one in every 100 Canadians. This year, CPTP and its regional cohorts, which include the Ontario Health Study approved 53 requests to access data and samples, 32 of which included projects related to cancer.
OICR partners with FACIT to commercialize research for the benefit of patients globally and the Ontario economy.
Cumulative leveraged funds - all sources
Jobs in start-up firms created
by OICR/FACIT activities.
27 patent applications
2 patents awarded
3 invention disclosures
1 new start-up firm created