On behalf of the Government of Ontario, I’d like to thank the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research (OICR) for another outstanding year. The vital work that you do in cancer research increases our knowledge of the disease and leads to improved detection, prevention and treatment so Ontarians can live longer and lead healthier lives.
The research that OICR does here in Ontario in genomics, informatics, diagnostic development, drug discovery, immuno-oncology and imaging, helps strengthen our innovation-based economy and positions our province as a good place to invest in and grow. While OICR researchers are making breakthroughs in Ontario, their research is making lasting impacts around the world, establishing Ontario as a leader in cancer research and helping to solidify Ontario’s capacity to compete in a global economy.
OICR should be very proud of its accomplishments. Researchers drew major industry investment to conduct clinical trials in Ontario for a new therapy to treat leukemia. They also played a key role in the design and development of the Kids First Data Resource Portal, which advances personalized medicine for the detection, therapy, and management of childhood cancer and structural birth defects. And finally, OICR’s Cancer Genome Collaboratory, a cloud resource that allows cancer researchers to access and analyze the world’s most comprehensive cancer genome dataset from the International Cancer Genome Consortium, won the 2018 OpenStack Superuser Award for its contributions to the cancer research community.
These promising results and breakthroughs directly benefit the people of Ontario and encourage long-term economic growth in the province. I’d like to commend OICR on a successful past year.
The Honourable Ross Romano
Minister of Training, Colleges and Universities